In the name of charity...
On Friday evening, I think I got an ab workout. My stomach hurts from laughing so hard at the Firemen Auction for charity event that I attended. The Firemen were very nice and the women were out of hand so much so I think my abs will never be the same. Mind you, this event took place in Colorado Springs. A location I tend to think is quite conservative. I'm here to tell you that there are 400 women who don't fit my description of conservative. The good news is that this benefit raised money for the Women's Resource Agency and gave me quite a healthy dose of laughter. I even bid on a fireman. It was fun. I sure was glad to have not been the highest bidder! Even though bachelor encouraged me to bid, I might have had some explaining to do.
14 Miles
On Saturday morning, I joined our group for a nice run on the Highline Canal. I felt ready to have a good run and I'd have great company for the first six miles. But as you learn in endurance running, you just don't know when the wheels will come off. At about Mile 10, my body decided it had enough. Could have been the poor sleep I have been getting. Could have been cutting back my calories. My mind was ready to finish the remaining 4 miles quickly but my legs really weren't happy about it. Seriously, my legs just didn't have any strength in them. However, when your car is 4 miles away, you have no choice, eh? I very slowly made it back to the start area, never so happy to see my car.
Honestly, this 14 mile run and my Monday and Tuesday runs have made me nervous about the Greenland 25K that is less than two weeks away. I'm hoping the running gods will show me a little love tomorrow and Saturday. I'm sure if I slept more than 5 hours a night, I might not even need running god intervention.
After the 4 mile slug-fest at the end of a perfect 10 mile run, I showered and took a hard 30 minute nap. It's been a long time since I've taken such a hard nap after a long run. Ate a little lunch and then went and got my hair done. A nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
Deer Creek Canyon Park
Sunday morning brought me to Deer Creek Canyon Park. I'm still amazed that these locations are so close to Denver. A quick 30 minute drive and nothing but beautiful open space. Space like this...
I was joined by two friends and one precious border collie.
We didn't have a plan of how far or how long. At least I didn't. All I had on my dance card for the day was a meet-up with the boy at around 6:00pm. My patient friends even waited for me while I chatted with the boy on the cell phone on the trail. This is probably bad trail behavior but the boy makes me smile.
At the end, I think we went 4.56 miles in a little over 2 hours and 15 minutes. At least I think so. My Garmin magically turned itself off. And this was after I forgot to turn it on when we headed out.
It was a great trail. Lots of different terrains and conditions. Even some snow so puppy could cool herself off.
And we also saw two hawks. What a way to spend a perfect Colorado morning!
And what was the wonderful capstone to the weekend? Hanging out with the boy! Life is good.
Other happenings...I lost 1.6 pounds this week. Going back to Weight Watchers is a good thing. I think my lack of confidence in running is related to my feelings around gaining back a few pounds. Feels good to be doing something about it instead of complaining or whining. Action is far better than words.
And tomorrow evening (technically Thursday morning) I will be on a plane to Savannah, GA!! For five days, four nights of relaxation with my best friend and her mom. I'm determined to enjoy myself and not gain weight. Wish me luck. With Paula Deen food, this might be a little tricky. I promise lots of pictures when I return!
Action speaks WAY louder than words, and gets results! Amen!! Love the pictures! :)