That's what I think about when I'm on the treadmill. That's how much I love the treadmill! Thankfully this winter session, I've only been on it twice so far. What do you think of while on the treadmill?
This will be a short post - I'm working on a project for work and want to have some time to watch some football later today. Here are some highlights:
- I'm down to 21.5% body fat percentage and just 2 pounds away from a normal BMI. More importantly, I'm wearing my skinny jeans! And most important, is how strong I feel.
- I have my new training schedule in hand. Which is always exciting. The group had its first run of the session on Saturday. It was crazy windy. And yes, I happened to mention it probably a bit too much...
- Losing weight and strength training means I'm running faster...I'll likely be a back of the packer forever but it is nice to be speedier. I'm thinking of posting my average pace per run to keep my eye not only on distance but speed...
- The boy of the moment is no more. I'm sad because I thought it was something special. Dating is hard. But I'm still hopeful. Back to eHarmony.
- I love sweet potatoes...and starting mixing mashed sweet potatoes with non-fat greek yogurt! Makes them creamy without any bad fats...not to say I don't miss butter...
Week of January 10-16
Monday: 2 miles (it was cold)
Tuesday: 2.6 miles (it was even colder...sub zero wind chill)
Wednesday: strength training and 3.5 miles
Thursday: 6.93 miles
Friday: strength training
Saturday: 14.05 miles
Sunday: 6.02 miles
TOTAL: 35.10 miles
Week of January 17-January 23
Monday: 4.05 miles
Tuesday: 7.01 miles
Wednesday: strength training and 4 miles
Thursday: 5.59 miles
Friday: strength training
Saturday: 9 miles
Sunday: 3.16 miles
TOTAL: 32.81 miles
Next up: More real pictures for you all! Did you notice the days are getting longer? I promise to get my camera out and can the clip art! Have a great week!
Zero sessions for us on the treadmill, thank goodness. We have been avoiding that like the plague! BUT, who knows - if we get more of those hurricane-gust windy days again (which we will) we may be forced to do the nasty deed and hit the treadmill! Don't feel bad - we DETEST the wind, too, with a passion! Great job on mastering your goals - keep up the hard work!