Weight Loss

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Weekend Catch Up and January Wrap-Up

What a weekend! 

A Few Runs

Saturday was a 10 mile goal pace run.  And my first week as pace group leader.  As pace group leader, I'm to hit certain paces so that folks can just follow along.  There were about 15 people in the group.  A lot of people were planning on running 4 miles, a few 6-8 and one other person was going 10 miles as well.  We started off great, but after the 4 mile turn around, a few people picked up the pace.  Which is totally OK.  Unfortunately, this "fast" group missed the trail marker and went straight when they should have gone left.  So yes, my first day as pace group leader and I lose my group.  They didn't seem worse for the wear, perhaps we because we had some great views!

Sunday was an off day.  Monday was a four mile recovery run.  I opted for the treadmill.  No, the weather is just like it usually is in the morning, mid twenties, no precip.  Sometimes I get spooked when I have to head outside and its still dark out.  And I opted for the treadmill again this morning for a 8 mile run with 16 x 400s. Actually, the schedule called for 8 miles with 8 x 800s, but I don't think I can maintain good form at tempo pace for that long.  The workout was hard, but the sense of accomplishment was huge!  The first eight 400s were challenging, but I was strong and my form was great.  The last eight 400s I had to fight hard to maintain good form. 

This will be my highest mileage week of this training session.  I'm looking forward to saying I had a 40+ mile training week after my long run on Saturday!

My total mileage for January was 123.32.  Not too shabby.

The Men
I started the weekend off on Friday evening with a date with Bachelor #1.  We've been dating for about four weeks.  We cooked chicken piccatta at his place.  Bachelor #1 is a very sweet man.  He is good with the nice touches...fresh pasta, flowers on the dining room table...And he's a good man.  I then helped him prep for his Saturday ski trip to the mountains.  I joke that he's a successful ski bum. 

Saturday night was a date with Bachelor #2.  This was date #3.  He's quite different from Bachelor #1, communication style, career, life experiences.  I like them both equally well, so I think this spells trouble for me.  We had a pleasant evening of cocktails, appetizers, excellent wine and his hot tub. He's incredibly easy to talk to. 

Sunday night was my first and only date with Bachelor #3.  I had a feeling that it wasn't going to go well.  Let's just say that Bachelor #3 was not as advertised.  Honestly, I wanted to flee from the wine bar as he was walking in.  I felt badly, dating is just a very vulnerable experience.  You have to put forth your confident-self while fighting down the demons of doubt.  I think this can manifest itself so that some guys focus on the possessions they have accumulated instead of what makes them special. 

Monday night was another date with Bachelor #1.  It felt perfect.  He's the type of man that makes you feel safe and appreciated.  He's engaging and sweet.  Oh, I mentioned that already.  Anyhow, he's off on vacation this week so this will be a quiet weekend for me.   I have a date with Bachelor #2 tomorrow and then that will be it for the week.   Bachelor #2 has his daughter this weekend.  I'm actually looking forward to the "me" time.  What should I do with that time?

The Food
Well, I ended January weighing the same I weighed at the beginning of January.  What does weight have to do with food?  Well, everything.  Exercise increases your calorie burn but if you don't watch your calorie intake, then you'll gain.  A part of me is happy to have maintained my weight, because I've been eating a lot of meals in restaurants and drinking far more than I usually do.  And yet another part of me is unhappy because I wanted to be a few pounds less.

February is a new month.  I have not determined my strategy.  Honestly, I'm tired of logging everything I eat.  I want to feel "normal."  So for the next two weeks, I'm not going to log my food.  That means no daily totals.  Let's see how it goes, eh?

I will however do a better job at sharing my food and posting recipes over the next few days.

Have an awesome evening!


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