Less than 15 weeks. 103 days. That's all that remains before I tackle my first ultra - the Bear Chase 50K. GULP.
I'm really not at the starting point I had imagined. Not running for the past three weeks was not how I had hoped to start the training season. But enough of the whining. Well, probably not enough with the whining, I expect a lot of whining between now and then. And during too. Anyhow, today marks the beginning of Operation Bear Chase. I think I'll call it the "OBC" for short. And what will this comprise? Running 5-6x/week. Bootcamp/Cross-training 2-3x/week. Biking 3-4x/week. Eating better. Getting more sleep.
Today kicked off with 4 miles. Conditions: 63 degrees and 80% humidity. If you know Denver, you know we rarely see humidity this high. Heck rare to see it half that. I was dripping in sweat. But it felt good to get the OBC started...just think a 50K = my run this morning X 8. Lots of fun!
Happy First Day of Summer!
You're going to do great!